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Wilmington, DE 19801

The Delaware Charity Challenge is a unique fundraising and athletic competition designed to give organizations, families, and individuals a fun way to raise money and awareness for their favorite causes. Teams that enter may designate any charity they want as a beneficiary of funds they raise as a team. Part of the proceeds from the race registrations and the race sponsorships will go into a prize pool that will be distributed among the charities that raise the most money and to the charities of the teams that win the individual race events on the day of the Delaware Charity Challenge.  

March Mini-Fundraising Challenge Update



March Mini-Fundraising Challenge Update

Charles Vincent

Less than a day to go in the March Mini-Fundraising Challenge. As a whole, the teams in the Race to Raise Fundraising Challenge have collectively raised more than $5,000 for their respective causes.

Sitting in first place and poised to keep the lead and win the Out & About prize is Team End Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (benefiting Muscular Dystrophy Association) with $2,331 raised. In second place is Team Veritext for Ministry for Caring (benefiting  Ministry of Caring) with $1,080 raised. In third place is Team Cure Sanfilippo (benefiting Team Sanfilippo Foundation). The March Mini-Fundraising Challenge contest ends at noon EST tomorrow, Thursday, March 19.

You can support all of the teams and read more about their favorite causes at The teams will continue to compete in the Race to Raise until May 1, 2015 and many will be running in the 5K or Adventure Challenge Relay on May 2 at Lums Pond. Join one of the existing teams in the race or form your own team today!